Monday, July 18, 2022

Vacation Recap

Our second family vacation is in the books. We had a lot of fun and relaxation, and it went by way too fast! The only downside was Chris and his friend were not able to join us this year. We certainly missed them!

We rented an Airbnb in on the upper west coast of Michigan, halfway between Charlevoix and Petoskey. 

Our house was located high up on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. 

This is the front of the house.  The lake is located on the right side. There was a balcony off the first floor and an upper, middle and lower deck on the way down to the water. 

This is the view from the balcony on the house. 

From the upper deck to the lower deck and the lake. 

And from the lower deck to the middle deck, upper deck and the house with the balcony! Did you get all that?  

We did a lot and also had a lot of down time to relax and enjoy just being on the lake. The shore by the lake was very rocky so we couldn't really swim. We took the boys to a couple state parks up there to swim and play in the sand. 

We went into Charlevoix one day and Petoskey another day. We also went to Mackinaw City. We just went into the little stores walked on the marinas. 

The boys got to see a drawbridge go up in Charlevoix, which we quickly realized was not a big deal because the drawbridge goes up every 45 minutes or so!  

Took a ton of sunset pictures. 

The last night we were there I went down to the rocky beach to take a sunset picture. 

I love the effect of the sun shining on the rocks! I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever taken with my iPhone. 

It was so nice to just be together and spend so much time with Maxwell and Levi!  We are already planning where we will go next year! 

On the next post I'll show you some of the inside of the house. 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Looks like a great place for a vacation. I've always thought that it would be nice to have house on the beach.

  2. What a wonderful time for you all. Can't wait to see the inside of that house! xoxo

  3. What a beautiful place to vacation. I've never been up that way. Looks like such a fun time together. Makes me miss our family vacations so much. We never go anywhere any more. Your sunset pictures are so pretty! The boys are cute as can be.

    1. Thank you! If you ever get the chance I highly recomment northern Michigan!

  4. That looks really nice! I’ve only been to Sleeping Bear Dunes in northern Michigan.

  5. What a cool house! So glad you had fun, and your sunset photos are GORGEOUS!!!

  6. Beautiful house and views. Looks like a really special time with family.

  7. How nice that you all got to spend the time together. Beautiful views from the house!

  8. The sunset picture is beautiful. It looks like a wonderful place to vacation.

  9. I just love it up north! There are so many fun towns and beauty all around! I love your sunset on the rocks pic!

    1. I know, right? I don't think I could ever get tired of going up north!

  10. What a beautiful view from the house and so close to the lake. Sounds like a wonderful time.
    Love the sunset with the rocks.

  11. You did do great with that picture of the sun on the rocks! Very nicely done! Looked like a lovely spot to spend a week's vacation with your family! The views are just gorgeous! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures during the week!


  12. I'm so glad you had a wonderful vacation. All of your pictures are awesome. Can't wait to see inside the house.
    Have a great week!

  13. Oh how FUN, Jeanette! I'm so glad you folks had a good time, with lots of memories to take home with you... pictures too! That IS a gorgeous picture you took of the sunset & the rocks. I'd have that one blown up & I'd frame it. I think my granddaughter has had soccer tournaments in Petosky. It's quite a drive for daughter & her family but they do it once a year for the tourney. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I also thought of blowing up and framing that picture! I hope your daughter and family do a little exploring while in Petoskey, especially to look for Petoskey stones!

  14. What a fun area to gather in....


  15. What a lovely time; R & R and visiting! How sweet to be so close to the water. Sorry about Chris not being able to come and visit too; that's a bummer.

    1. Thanks Suzie! Yes we were disappointed and Chris was too!

  16. How fun to have all this special time with family. And great memories for the boys. (Love the photo of them in the rockers)

    Oh and that sunset...glorious!!!


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