Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Steam Pocket Mop

I figured I would do a brief post about the steam mop I bought last week to go into a little more detail.

First of all it's not necessarily cheap...BB&B had it on sale for $119 and I had a 20% off coupon (of course!) so it came to just over $100 with tax.

I really like it. It's simple to put together and very easy to use. It's pretty lightweight and moves fairly easily over my wood floor. Like the picture above shows, it comes with two rectangular mop heads and two triangular mop heads. Eight total cleaning surfaces. The motion of mopping makes it steam..the handle pumps down when you push forward causing the steam. It has a super long cord that reaches everywhere with no problem.

When we used it the first time, it left a film all over the floor. I had read lots of reviews before I bought it (thanks to Amazon!) and knew that could happen. You are supposed to use one side until it's dirty and then flip the mop over and used the other side. We did that twice, using both mop heads. By the time we went over the floor for the fourth time, it was pretty clean and looked wonderful! And it took less effort to do four times than it used to take to clean one time with a regular mop and cleaner!

I then attached the triangular heads and did both the bathrooms. The mop is a little harder to push over the tile floor but still very easy and it maneuvers all over and around the toilet with no problem. Even the tile floors looked fantastic!

OK now for the negative: It really doesn't get into the corners good but really what mop does? The tank is kind of small so you have to refill it a few times but that's no problem either. It comes with a pouring cup that makes it easy. It also came with a purple duster that is supposed to be used for wood floors. I used it once and rejected it. It seems to clean much easier with just the regular mop heads. The mop heads have to be washed after every use (duh!) and cannot be put into the dryer. Also you cannot use powder detergent on them.

You can buy extra mop heads. I think they are about $20 for two, which I probably will do after I get another BB&B coupon.

One more thing: It also comes with a attachment that you can use to freshen up carpets. I probably will try it sometime, but it doesn't clean them so I'm not sure it there is any point to making the effort!

Hope this helps anyone trying to decide whether to buy one or not.


  1. Ive got a steamer mop it on my tile floors!!

  2. I thought I left a comment, but anyway! Do u use a product or does the steam actually clean the floor? I know!! I'm dense!! :)

    Cleaned mine today, and was thinking of you! :)

  3. Thank you for the review! I hope to wear down my hubby and get one sometime!

  4. Sally-You just use water and the steam does all of the work!
    Donna-Tell your hubby it SANATIZES the floor too. Maybe that would help. One more thing I noticed..the floor seems to stay cleaner longer without all that build-up on it!

  5. Awesome! Now I want one for sure!!

    Have a blessed Easter with your wonderful family, Jeanette. ((hugs))

  6. Happy Easter Friend!!!


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