Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Stuff

Well, Friday I got the fugasa made after a couple of false starts (which I won't even go into because it just highlights how my brain shuts down when I over stress myself) and I think it came out pretty good.

I didn't get the perfection I was striving for, though. It ended up being slightly undercooked in the middle, which seems to be a problem I have every year. I am always afraid that the outside will get too brown and hard. My mothers recipe does not have a cooking time on it..just to cook until the outside is browned I have to kind of wing it. Anyway, they taste really good though. Especially with butter dipped in coffee...that's how I used to eat it when I was a child.

We went to my brother Don's for our family Easter celebration. It ended up being a pretty small crowd this year because several family members were either working or out of town. Ate lots of good food and laughed alot, so it was a nice time.

Got a couple baby showers to go to in the next few weeks. One on each side of the family. I haven't got a single thing bought yet, either! I'm going shopping with Shauna on Tuesday for one shower, and then next week with my sister-in-law for the next shower.

Warming up those old bones in the sun.

Hope you all had a fun, food and family filled Easter!


  1. The bread looks good! I'm sure everyone liked it. So glad you had a good day. :)

  2. I have never heard of fugasa--I see by a comment that it is bread. Looks good.

  3. Oh, the bread looks Great! Bet it was wonderful with that coffee to!


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Mock Fried Rice

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