Monday, December 3, 2012

Snowmen Part I

I love to collect things especially Christmas decorations. .

This Christmas I am am displaying all of  the snowmen I have collected on our family room fireplace.

Except for the stocking hangers which are the Coca Cola Bears (more about them later in the month), the fireplace mantle is lined with snowmen.

I love this one because of the little bird singing in his broom!

This snowman I bought at Goodwill a few weeks ago. I knocked him over and broke his arm off when I set him on the counter at the cashier! Of course I bought him anyway!

Tomorrow I will have snowmen part II!


  1. You have quite a festive collection!

  2. Oh Girl! I Love all your goodies!

  3. Love these!

    What you need is a cowboy snowman like we have though. Yeah, it sings, bounces around, jumps up and down and sings "I'm gonna lasso Santa Claus, blah blah. It's driving me CRAZY!!! Of course Hunter loves it, and we dance. :)

    Can't wait to see the next post, buddy! :)



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