Tuesday, September 10, 2013


On  August 18th I had my 10 year anniversary at my job. 

On Saturday I got this package in the mail.

Inside was a nice letter from Mary Sue Coleman, the President of U of M.

And a catalog of gifts to choose from:

I don't know what I want yet. Maybe these earrings.

Or I kind of like this pretty ring.

Or maybe I'll get a piece of art. I rather like the black and white tree on the top in the middle. Plus when you get the art they will make a donation to the Make A Wish Foundation or ASPCA.

No matter what I choose I'm sure it will be nice.

Plus I get 4.5 more hours of paid time off a month now.

I may complain about my job and going there every day, but it is a good one, with good pay and benefits. And it's nice that they let you know that they appreciate you sometimes!

Until the next time...


  1. Congratulations! A wonderful milestone; I'm proud of YOU!!


  2. wow, that's awesome!
    happy Anniversary!

  3. Congratulations on ten years!!
    Goes by in a flash doesn't it...

  4. I like the tree picture! congratulations--and you DO work at a great place--but you know, I will never admit out loud that I like anything about U of M, LOL.

  5. Congratulations !! What an accomplishment. Get something you would enjoy. I like ALL of what you have chosen. Congrats again !! :)

  6. Those award gifts are a whole lot better than a certificate, LOL! Yes, it is a good thing to have a dependable job these days.


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