Saturday, October 15, 2022

Friday Fun

The last few Fridays I have gone to a few estate sales. I usually plan them like this:

I go online to find the closest estate sales by me and write the addresses down. Then I go to Google Maps and map out my route going to the farthest one first and working my way back towards home. 

I went to two of them on that list, one was a little farther than I wanted to go. Both of these sales were in condos and I won't bore you with the details of the house, just some of the things I saw. 

I thought this lamp was really pretty. They were asking $30 for it. 

At one of the condos there was several cross-stitch pictures. 

They were all very intricate and gorgeous! I could have bought every one of them! 

One had a bunch of sets of dishes. 

They were all really pretty. I especially liked the set in the first picture. 

I thought this sign was cute!

There was a huge bookcase filled with cookbooks, including this collection of Southern Living Annual Recipes from 1990 to 2012. 

There is a lot more things to show you, but I'll save that for another post. 

I ended up only buying one thing.

This dusty little Pyrex 3-cup bowl. It didn't have a price on it so when I took it to the pay table this is what happened:

Me: There is no price on this. 

Him: Hmmmm let's see, 2 dollars

Me: How about one dollar?

Him: Ok. You beat me down!

LOL! I love a good bargain! I have the same bowl in a 7-cup version, and I really like it. This one is the perfect size for a small salad or to mix a tuna or chicken salad. 

In other news: We had the boys spend the night last week for the first time in a while. 

Here they are showing off their latest creations! 

That's about it for me for now! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. The boys are so beautiful! I agree, the first set of dishes is my favorite. And that lamp is beautiful! I don't know how you have the willpower to not buy so many beautiful things.

    1. Thanks Ginny! Sometimes it's hard to resist but I really, really don't need any more stuff!

  2. Cute creations!!!!

    Estate sales in condos now! -smile- Well, I guess people are downsizing to condos, from 'the family home.'


    1. Or in one case, going from a condo to a nursing home.

  3. I loved doing cross stitch in the 80’s and 90’s. A sleepover at Grandma’s is always fun.

  4. Estates sales are fun to go to. All those Counted Cross Stitch makes me want to do one again. I have a couple around here to do.

  5. I like the plates on the first photo, too.
    The cross-stitch was really good. It would have been hard to pass them up.

  6. I looked at the prices on the cross stitch pieces and thought how low they were considering all the work someone put into them.

    1. Yes, I think the family just wanted to get rid of everything. The condo was loaded with stuff!

  7. Love their Lego creations!! Such cute boys.

    Your $1 bowl was a 'steal'.

  8. AWESOME! I love estate sales etc...and the photo of the grandboys, precious. smiles

    1. Thank you, Linda. I love estate sales, too! Unfortunately the season is coming to an end soon!

  9. Levi and Maxwell looked like they were having fun over Grandma's and Grandpa's! I was surprised the cross stitch was so cheap! There was a lot of work in all of them! Always seems like sets of dishes at these estate sales!


  10. There is always dishes at estates sales! We had fun with Levi and Maxwell but they exhaust us, too!

  11. You go to some fine estate sales! You know what's funny...years ago someone taught me to cross stitch. I finished one piece...and it was the same as the two little indians in the canoe. Still have in a drawer somewhere. Your little grandsone are so cute.

  12. I would have had to contain myself at the cookbook collection. It's sad to see the price on the cross stitch. That was so much work for someone. Love you bowl you bought. Can't go wrong with Pyrex. Glad you had some good Grandson time.

  13. Wow, I've never been to an estate sale. So many things!!! Thanks for visiting with me. So glad you had the boys over. James hasn't stayed here yet but we keep talking about it.

  14. I also loved the little pyrex bowl and you got a bargain.
    The cross stitch pieces are so lovely; think of the hours someone poured into those? Amazing. I love the method to your madness with the preplanned mapping!

  15. Cute bowl and good job haggling! It amazes me, the things that people amass in a lifetime. Including me ... ugh I hope I don't leave so much stuff to go through that my kids hate me when I'm gone! The boys are darling as always, Jeanette! xoxo

  16. My goodness the little's are growing! They are so doggone cute, talented also with the lego's. :) I love the cross stitch of the chair with the quilt laying on it. I remember my mom did cross stitch, one is in our living room. :)


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