Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekly Winners

Another week gone by already.

Kensington Metropark on Memorial Day. A great day for a picnic. There was even some kids swimming in spite of the water being freezing cold!

This was taken on Memorial Day too. There must have been a air show at the local airport that these planes were on their way to.

"Excuse me, but do you think that you could get that thing out of my face for once?"

Check out some more Weekly Winners at Sarcastic Moms!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

It's Monday and it's been a busy but great weekend.

Saturday morning Marie and I took our usual walk and then had breakfast. We stopped at a garage sale at a school and I bought the pretty candle garden pictured on the previous post. It's in perfect condition, the candles were never burned and it was only $3.00. I love garage sale finds like that!

After I dropped Marie off I went to Meijer to buy flowers and stuff. I had a gift card (Thanks, Judy!) and I used the whole thing plus 16 cents. then i went back to do some grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping so I needed to get it over with. Then we pretty much spent the rest of the day cleaning up outside.

Sunday I planted wave petunias in the barrels, a peony in the back flower garden and a clematis and some geraniums in the front of the house. I love the clematis, it's so pretty. It's got a good Southern exposure so I hope it grows OK. Time will tell.

Today I did laundry and cleaned closets upstairs. I have three bags of stuff for goodwill. Man, we've got a lot of stuff! I got our summer clothes out and put winter sweaters and sweatshirts away. I cleaned out the linen closet and the medicine chest and threw a bunch of crap away. It was a lot of work but it looks really nice. It was nice to work with the windows open and the birds singing. Gotta love Spring!

Later we drove to Kensington Park and I stuck my feet in some very cold water!

We walked around the beach, walked through the animal farm and then went out to dinner. Now its time to crash for the rest of the night!

Its been a busy but fun weekend.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekly Winners

We tried to kill this bush about five years ago but it was so deep rooted we couldn't get it out of the ground so we gave up. It's been growing back ever since and this year is the first year it bloomed again. It's has pretty little clusters of tiny white flowers. I am so glad that it's back again. I know the picture is blurry, but does anyone know what this bush is?

Garage sale find of the day. I got this for $3 and it's perfect for my kitchen table.

Love my morning coffee, especially when it's on a day off and I can actually take the time to enjoy it.

Hello?? Is anyone out there??

You can see more Weekly Winners over at Lotus's place.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tom and misc stuff

Well, my brother-in-law finally went home from the hospital today. It was a long haul for him and Judy. What was supposed to be a week stay turned into over two weeks, but he's doing good and they are happy to be home. We will miss seeing Judy every night and I will miss going up to Tom's room every day on my morning break!

Tomorrow is Friday I am so looking forward to the long weekend! This week at work seemed to drag. It's been a little slow. My coworker was off today so I was a little busier than normal but the day still dragged.

Marie took me to dinner last night. I had some authentic Italian food that I hadn't had in a while, like pasta fagoli and polenta. It was really good. Stuff that I remember eating at my grandparents house when I was a child.

I am loving my little iPod shuffle that Shauna gave me for Mother's Day. It makes my walks a lot easier and they go by faster. The only problem is I want to dance instead of walk!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Winners

Workin hard writing a novel. OK So the picture is totally posed but it looks real enough! Of course if he was seriously writing a novel he probably wouldn't be drinking beer and eating potato chips at the same time.

Here's our newly painted bathroom. I love the color but it was a royal pain to paint because it's so small, and the ladder wouldn't fit anywhere and it was hard to move around but we did it and it was worth the trouble.

Of course whenever there is a box anywhere it must be explored and sat in.

That's it for this week. Haven't been playing with my camera much but you can see more Weekly Winners over at Lotus's place.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sunny Saturday

It's sunny and beautiful out right now but it's supposed to rain and get cooler later today.

Tom is still in the hospital. He continues to have breathing issues. He has fluid behind his lungs and it's making it difficult for him to breath easily. They have him on medication and they are waiting to see if it helps. If not, they will have to go in with a needle and draw the fluid out. Poor Tom. I feel so bad seeing him labor to breath. Plus he just looks tired and frustrated and scared. Judy and I went to lunch a couple times. On Thursday we went to Kohl's after she got home. I figured she needed a little break. We were joking we should have gone to the bar afterwards!

My lilac bush is in full bloom. It smells so wonderful. I wish it would stay in bloom all year. As you can see, it badly needs trimming!

Marie and I walked for 30 minutes and then had breakfast. We stopped at the Plymouth Farmers Market on the way home and she bought two hanging baskets. I am not in the mood yet for flowers for some reason. I better get in the mood thought because next weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I must have flowers planted by then. It's my personal goal this year!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hump Day

Well, it's Wednesday. Hump day.

Tom is still in the hospital. He was recovering fine from his surgery and would probably be going home by now, but he is having breathing issues and they need to get that straightened out before he leaves. Judy is still staying with us. We enjoy having her but I know she is getting tired of driving back and forth every day and would like to be home.

Mother's Day was rainy and cold. We went first to the MGM to get my Mother's day gift, which was a quilted bag. It's very nice and I probably could use it as a purse. Anyway, then we went to see MIL. She's doing good. I bought her a gosple CD to listen to and she LOVED it! I have a hard time deciding what to buy for her because her needs are so simple so it is always nice to see her enjoy what we give her. She was smiling and clapping to the music.

After we got home Shauna came over. She gave me a iPod shuffle for my gift. I have been wanting one of them for a while. Then we went shopping and I bought a couple pictures for the bathroom. Then dinner at Applebees and home where she downloaded iTunes on our computer so I could put music on my shuffle. Hee! I love it!! It makes taking my walks a lot easier except I want to dance instead of walk!

Monday I went to the urologist for my 3-month exam. Everything is good; no cancer recurrence. I have to see him every 3 months, get a cat scan once a year. I like the thought of getting a cat scan every year. They don't just look at my bladder but my whole abdominal/pelvic area. At least I know if something else is going to pop up they may catch it early. And early detection is very important! OK enough medical stuff!!

Now that the small bathroom is done it is time to turn my attention the the master bath. I already checked on getting a new counter top and sinks and I just need to get it ordered! Rich and I will install it ourselves. It looks pretty easy, but we'll see. Then I can paint and get new mirrors and maybe light fixtures, too! I'm not in any hurry so I can take my time and do a good job. It should be easier to paint than the small bathroom.

Yesterday I booked our cruise for January 24th. I am looking forward to cruising with the kids. I love when we are all together it happens so infrequently anymore except for holidays. It should be a blast.

Today I'm meeting Judy for lunch. Maybe I will actually cook dinner tonight!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weekend Update

Tom's surgery went pretty good. There was a small complication which caused his surgery to be 8 hours long instead of 5 but he came through it good and he is doing very well. He should be able to go home in a few days. It has been nice having Judy staying here and seeing her every day.

Marie and I had our massages and facials today. OMG!! The massage felt so good! The room was dim and music was playing and birds were singing and I almost fell asleep! Man, I wish I could do that every week!

Anyway, Chris and Marissa came over today for Mother's day because they are going out to dinner on the other side of town tomorrow with Marissa's mom. They brought me a gift and I got Marissa hooked on Bookworm! Hee! It is always nice to see them. After they left we went to buy some flowers and take them to the cemetery. We put flowers on both my grandmothers graves and my mom's grave. I'm glad we went today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow it's supposed to be rainy and the cemetery is always so crowded on Mother's Day. That reminds me to write a not-so-nice letter to the cemetery owners because all of their little flower containers are rusted out and leak and are all broken up! It's ridiculous how much it costs to bury someone these days and they can't even supply decent flower containers for the graves? Grrr!

Tonight I think we are going to just sit around or maybe go walk around downtown Plymouth for a while. I really need to clean this house, though. It's 6:00 and I haven't done anything at all!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

One Word Answers

One. Word. Answers. Only.

1. Where is your mobile phone? Pocket
2. Your significant other? recliner
3. Your hair? graying
4. Your mother? missed
5. Your father? surviving
6. Your favorite thing? life
7. Your dream last night? forgotten
8. Your favorite drink? coffee
9. Your dream/goal? happiness
10. The room you’re in? useful
11. Your ex? who?
12. Your fear? loneliness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you’re not? mean
16. Muffins? deadly
17. One of your wish list items? vacation
18. Where you grew up? detroit
19. The last thing you did? blog
20. What are you wearing? jammies
21. Your TV? fox
22. Your pets? cats
23. Your computer? lifeline
24. Your life? calm
25. Your mood? neutral
26. Missing someone? always
27. Your car? fun
28. Something you’re not wearing? hat
29. Favorite Store? kohls
30. Your summer? short
31. Like someone? family
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? saturday

Guests In The House

Rich's brother-in-law is having surgery for esophageal cancer here at the workplace as we speak. His surgery was originally scheduled for 11:30 but they were running a little behind and took him in at 12:30. Last night they spent the night with us to avoid having to drive in for two hours this morning. It was nice to have them there.

We spent the past weekend getting the room ready for them so they would be comfortable. Got a brand new bed and set the room up really cute. Plus we can sleep in it in the summer when it's too hot to sleep upstairs. Anyway, Judy will probably stay with us the whole week that Tom is in the hospital.

The small bathroom is finally painted. Sunday we painted the ceiling. It looks really nice. I love the color and it goes well with the beige sink and the wood trim. Next up is the bathroom upstairs. We have to replace the vanity top first in that bathroom. The sinks have cracks in them.

Saturday Marie and I are getting massages, facials and manicures. It is going to be soooooo nice! I have been trying to keep my fingernails from breaking so they will at least be a decent length when I get the manicure. Then we are going to have lunch.

It's beautiful out right now. Sunny and about 70 degrees. I can't wait to wear shorts and flip-flops again. Speaking of shorts and flip flops, we are planning on taking a cruise with the kids in January. I contacted a travel agency and found a cruise in the western Caribbean that sounds really good. I am going to book it and then forget about it because it's a long way away and I don't want to think about winter right now! We are really excited, however and so are the kids! I already even bought a cute sundress! Alright, who am I kidding? It's all I will be thinking about for the next 8 months!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekly Winners

The soft, feathery leaves of the Japanese maple.

They did their job by being beautiful in the early spring, and now it's time to go!

The beautiful flower bed of my neighbor. I love when this bed flowers!

The weekly cat picture.

Check out more Weekly Winners!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...