Thursday, January 3, 2008


It's mighty cold here right now. This morning it was 7 degrees out when I woke up. Luckily, today is the coldest day and it is supposed to get much warmer in the next week. Up to or even into the 50's! All this snow should be gone in no time.

Friday is Rich's birthday. We are going to dinner as usual and then I will have everyone over for cake and ice cream afterwards. He likes to keep it very low key and that's fine with me. I like to keep my birthday low key also.
We have to go see my MIL this weekend. She's 89 and lives in a nursing home that is about 60 miles away from us. I am ashamed to say that we have not seen her since Labor Day weekend. We usually don't go quite this long without visiting her and I know my husband feels bad sometimes. Luckily, she is a pretty content person these days. She's always happy to see us when we get there and never minds, or never realizes that it's been so long since the last time we were there. She is happy just to sit at her table in the activity room, working her word puzzles and listening to her music. She's a pretty spunky lady and wouldn't hesitate to tell someone what she thinks! I bought her a little jewelry case that looks like a monkey and a pretty ring to go inside it. Hopefully she'll like it. If not she probably will tell me so!
Shauna has been having on and off headaches for the last two days. She has migraines and she drank wine on New Years Eve. Poor baby. I think I have had one migraine in my whole life and do not want to have another one. They are no fun.


  1. I have recently started taking Topamax daily for migraines and it really helps. I still get them quite often, but not as bad. I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration.

  2. That does look cold. We're on the edge of the next big winter storm. The wind blew HARD all night long.

    I'm visiting the blogs of people that posted on my sight and inviting them to sign up for a give-away I am having. No gimicks - just fun. It's my way of celebrating one year of blogging.

  3. When I visit the nursing home, I am often charmed by how many people seem to do very well there. The Mister's home has quite a social club of women who find fun and comfort with the staff and other residents. I'm happy for you and your husband that his Mom appears to be one of them. Oh, and about the snow? That's exactly why I left the Great Lakes states. Brrr is right. Linda


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Mock Fried Rice

I don't usually post recipes on this blog but I made something the other day that was so good I have to share!  I love fried rice but I ...