Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Last one!

Z is for this little guy

He's a Zonkey! A cross between a zebra and a donkey. He was born in Mexico just in time for me to use him as my last entry for the A-Z challenge!

He's rare because normally zebra and donkey chromosomes don't mix.

I think he's adorable! Love the striped stockings!


Well, I did the whole thing! I don't know if I will ever do this challenge again, though. I feel like I've been neglect in my blog reading and really need to do some catching up!

But I have made some great new friends and got a few more followers, which is a good thing!

Thanks for sticking with me!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Y is for Yearbook

This is my high school yearbook from m y senior year. I keep it in a box in the basement with a bunch of other old stuff. 

It's pretty rough looking!

My senior picture in the yearbook. 

That was a long time ago!!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014


X as in Xanax

Yep, the anti-anxiety drug.

I have never been much of a drug taker except for my diabetes medication and an occasional over the counter drug for various reasons. I was on anti-depressants for a while after my mom passed away, but I did not like the way they made me feel so I weaned myself off of them.

However, sometimes anxiety gets the best of me, especially at night and I find I can't sleep because my mind won't shut off.

That's where these little pills come in handy.

0.25 mg is the lowest dose and I usually break it in half.

Does the trick and there is nothing wrong with a little help sometimes!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


W is for Wallet

This wallet in particular, which my daughter gave me for my birthday.

Friday, April 25, 2014


V is for Vote

As in this goofy message that pops up on the printer at work

I have no idea who Josh is and what he's running for!

My guess is he's part of the IT team which is the only way he could get that message on there!

Anyway, I hope he wins whatever it is!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


U as in Untidy.

The state of my house most days!

Enough said about that!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


T as in Tea Set

My dad was in the Korean War and on one of his furloughs he spent some time in Japan.

This is the tea set from there he sent home to my grandmother

I love that the cups are white on the outside and black with flowers inside.

On the bottom is Castle China and Occupied Japan

I have loved this tea set since I was a little girl and my grandmother had it displayed in her china cabinet. It's mine now and one day I will give it to Shauna.

To the best of my knowledge it has never actually been used to serve tea!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


S is for Signs

On a recent trip up north we saw some interesting signs

Bear Crossing

Didn't see any bears though!

Watch For Amish Buggys

Didn't see any Amish people either.

Did see this Falls last summer, which was gorgeous and worth the 0.6 mile hike into the woods!

Monday, April 21, 2014


R is for Reflections

Reflections on a mirrored jewelry box.


Reflection of the shower curtain in the bathroom mirror.

And a flame-shaped reflection of light from a copper candy dish.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Q is for Quilt.

No one in my family ever made a quilt as far as I know. They were crocheters, knitters and cross stitchers, but no quilters.

A couple of people I work with love to quilt and they make some beautiful ones. They offered to teach me but I never had much patience for sewing.

I do have a bedspread that may quality as a quilt. 

No one in our family made it though. I think my mom bought it for us when we moved into this house.

I  did win this little quilted table runner a few years ago.

It has a pretty pattern on the reverse side, too. I keep it on my grandmothers old trundle sewing machine.

The most beautiful quilt I've ever seen, however, was the one we saw that won all sorts of ribbons at the Great Lakes State Fair a few years ago.

The picture does not show how intricate and beautiful this quilt was!

Friday, April 18, 2014


P is for Park

This is one of the entrances to the large park in our subdivision

Got playground equipment, picnic tables and a small baseball diamond

Plus there is an area where it looks like they used to build ice skating rinks every winter.

Every summer the HOA puts on a little concert in the park.

It's mostly jazz music and kind of lame, but they give free ice cream so we usually go!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


O is for Open

As in our windows

After the long winter we've this past weekend the temperature was in the high mid to high 70's and that's enough for us to open every window in the house and air it out!

And the cats love it too.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


N is for Neighborhood

Our neighborhood is a subdivision called Windsor Park

It was built in the early 70's.  The houses are mostly colonials and ranches, with an occasional tri-level thrown in.

The streets are curvy

And there's several cul-de-sac's.

 Plus we have a nice park right in the middle which I will show you more of in a few posts!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


M is for Mugs

I have a lot of them

These two are my favorites.

But there's is plenty of other ones too. All sorts of miscellaneous mugs!

Then in another cupboard are the matching sets.

Those are the mugs that match my dishes and some matching ones for when we have company or the family over for a holiday.

Monday, April 14, 2014


L is for Lanyard

  A couple posts ago I told you about jewelry and mentioned that I rarely wear necklaces. However, I wear this around my neck every day that I work.


 This is the lanyard that holds my work ID card. It's required for all employees to wear their ID cards anytime they are working. Besides ID they are also used for opening staff entrances, mail rooms and some bathrooms.  Also for checking in at certain required meetings.

Mine has all my favorite pins on  it. 

Some  award pins, a diversity pin, and American flag  and a red dress for women's heart health. At the bottom of the first picture you can see a flower pin that actually is made from pink ribbons to represent the fight against breast cancer.

Yep, my daily necklace! 

Saturday, April 12, 2014


K is for Kindle

Kindle Fire which I just got a few weeks ago.

I held out for a while because of my life long love of books., not just reading them but having them, too...

But I haven't picked up a book since I got it! I've got tons of books loaded on it that I got for free from Book Bub!

And  I play games, too!

I do  love my Kindle!

Friday, April 11, 2014


J is for Jewelry

I love jewelry

I used to make it sometimes but I haven't in a while.

I have a lot of jewelry, mostly cosmetic but I have a few things that belong to my mom and my grandmother.

This was my moms jewelry box filled with her jewelry and some of mine.

Those rhinestone earrings on the upper left were hers and I plan on wearing them when my daughter gets married next year,

I wear very little myself. I always wear earrings and my wedding rings, and occasionally a ring on my right hand. Once in a while I wear a bracelet and very rarely I wear a necklace!

But I do love to look at it!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I is for iPhone


 My whole family is a iPhone family
My husband, both kids and their spouses have iPhones!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


H is for Hawk

This is our resident hawk. Well, I don't know if this is the same one we see all the time but this one was hanging out by us recently.

He likes to sit on our back yard fence next to a large bush because the bush is always full of birds. 

But, whenever he's there the birds don't make a sound or move one little bit!

He can't get then inside the bush, anyway so they're safe as long as they stay in the bush!

Sometimes he gets lucky, though! 

I feel bad for any bird that get's in his clutches. 

Nature at it's rawest!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


G is for grandmas.

 My paternal grandma

My maternal grandma (my nonnie)

My kids paternal grandma

 And their maternal grandma.

Someday I hope to have that title!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...